Sell out with me - Episode 4 - First Drive

The gang get into the barn and discover an old tractor with harvester and a long wheelbase land rover.
Ryner searched about and found three keys, which he threw to Alexander.
Shyma was keeping watch out of the barn doors, watching the sun go down and the glow of burning coming from the camp.
Ryner then scurried up into the hay loft to look out in the other direction.
Alexander set to learning how to drive.
With a few bunny hops, false starts, Alexander was sure he had it.
Everyone piled into the truck, Alexander drove out.
Ryner seeing the speed Alexander was going got out and walked beside the car.
Sutiably embarrassed Alexander stopped, Ryner got back in and Alexander started again, this time reaching tge heady speeds of 30mph.
Seeing townships ahead, they decided to head towards the less dense town of Bendrill.
As they were going along Alexander got over confident and pushed the speed up to 50mph,
Then decided that roads were for pussies.
When he finally took his hands off the wheel, Lucy done her thing and snogged him to calm down.
Alexander slammed the breaks of, putting the truck into a spin, and went to grab Lucy's tits.
Lucy responded by punching Alexander in the dick.
Ryner having anticipated a crash was braced for it.
Shyma slide along the bench almost on top of Ryner.
Somehow Ben ended up in Tims lap..
They all piled out of the truck.
Shyma begged/harassed Alexander for a go at driving, Alexander pouted that it was his car now, and snogged Shyma.

After all the fuid exchange they all pile into the Truck and head off.
Ryner spots a stream of lights coming from the various roads out of Etron.
Alexander speeds up a bit while everyone looks out and tries to look "in place".
They make it to the turning up to Bendrill.
As they progress up towards the town/village, Shyma spots that a few of the convoy have turned off the main road and are coming to Bendrill.
They are black sudans and meat wagons.
Ryner freezes as he realizes he has seen these type of vehicles before, and pain follows, lots of pain, so much pain.

Shyma notices that they are going slow, and there are lights not just facing forward, but also moving at the mini convoy sides.

They are searching for something.
Are they searching for us?

As the gang enter Bendril.
Alexander parks the truck by a barn, and they unload in secret.
A few curtains twitch when they arrive.
Ryner check out one of the twitchers and sees an old grey woman who is now sitting back in her chair.
Ryner and Shyma scout out some possible hiding holes.
They find an empty house.
Signalling the others they, find there way into the dwelling.

Just as the first of the black sudan convoy turns into the village...........
