Spandex and Leather: Father and the Mad Scientist

After being exposed in the newspaper the team decided to keep a low profile for the remainder of the week.

Saturday comes and the team are raring to go on the hunt.

But Lynx has disappeared!

They drive around the haunts, on the look out for any Purple Throbbing Monsters or do badders.

While driving Chuck ponders on if the Father at that church was holding info back, and now we have Gregor we can probe his mind to find the real dirt!

So the team drive off to the Church and park the other side of the graveyard, and march through to the church, where they see Father Thomas.

Barley flinching he welcomes the masked team, and thanks them for saving their kids last Saturday.

The team are standing in the front of the church quizzing and probing to Father Thomas about the new drug on the street.

“Yes I have heard of it, but have not seen any one using it,” The old priest tells the team. “I have of course gotten a few death threats from drug dealers.”

He smiles, taking such threats as a badge of pride. “They don’t like me telling folks not to use their poison. Bad for their business I guess.” He laughs.

Bonedido is not quite convinced, but Blowout asks him to tell him more, and to be careful.

“When the Lord is done with me here he will send for me,” The priest says with a sure voice.

Just then a car mounts the curb and drives into the church's front yard/carpark.

Before anyone can react, four people emerge transforming into Blue/Purple Throbbing monsters and leap into action!

Taking on initially Renegado and as Blowout ushers the Father back into the church, he gets twatted by a purple fist.

Seems the death threats against him are real this time and they are sending purple mutants to make the message clear to everyone that stands against them.

Bonedido and Svyaz look up to see a car had been thrown towards them, Svyaz dodges out of the way, while Bonedido was a bit slower and grows his hair to absorb the impact as he escapes from the tonnage plummeting down on him.

During the fight, Blowout exploded one of the Purple Monsters trousers and caused Renegado some damage.

Svyaz tried many a mind trick.

Bonedido and Renegado tore into them and finished them off quickly, but held back from killing them, especially as they turned back to human when they were unconscious.

The team then spent some time patching them up, and themselves up.

Svyaz mind read and extracted a location from one of the thug/monsters.

Road Trip....

The team exit stage left from the church before the police arrived, and head out to this new location.

The team check out the address, it's an abandoned building in Low Town.

Renegado fly's up to enter through a skylight into the top (1st) floor.

Bonedido and Blowout try and look through filthy windows on the ground floor and have an argument about disintegrating or smashing a window.

Svyaz spots a low set of windows at ground level, and proceeds to smash the glass and climb in.

Blowout, out of annoyance now, disintegrates in one hit a larg window, which Bonedido and Blowout climb through.

Renegado sees that there is a thick layer of dust everywhere, so lands in it creating perfect footprints where ever he stolls. Eventually heading downstairs.

Bonedido and Blowout find that the ground floor is very dusty but there seems to be a pathway of no dust from an exit the other side of the building to a stairwell, which they follow and see Renegado

Svyaz in the basement, finds an abandoned lab. A few discarded lab test tubes have a bluish residue and a few loose pieces of paper with formulas written on them but nothing else seems to be here.

The team eventually meet up in the lab and with their mobile phone torches perform a full search.

Finding a hidden safe, which Blowout disintegrates the lock on it.

Inside they find a journal of an Irving Marlowe. Seems he has been experimenting on ways to turn other people into Mutants. He has some success in a small town to the north, but had to flee the authorities before he could perfect his serum.

Soon after arriving in the city he was contacted by some mobster who would finance his experiments in return for a drug that would turn men into super men. One of the last entries in the journal speaks of the mob boss wanting all his men to be super, a Mutant Mob.

The journal then says the boss's main man; a small man named Lefty would arrive soon to take him to a better lab.

Now the team knows who is behind this wave of purple mutants and who is supplying him with labs and equipment. Time to take out the Mutant Mob.
