Hard to Bard - Respect my Authority

Lower Mine

This section of the mine seems to be the current focus of Hammertown’s mining efforts, thrumming with
activity as workers chip away. 

Solemn singing can be heard resonating throughout the mine.
There are dozens of workers that work tirelessly throughout this area.

They then spot that the workers are supervised by two drudge priests of Laduguer and a Duergar Despot. 

They pay no mind to the band, despite them being light up by the rays of Daylight shining through the mine cart way.

So Ekam and Lemmog, introduce themselves and persuade them that they are here to perform for Laduguer and that they should show them the way to his office.

When the three only point in a direction and refuse to move out of the way for the band, informing them that they should go around, Lemmog does not take kindly to these upstarts rebuking his "Authoritee" and intimidate them into letting them through.

The drudge priests of Laduguer and the Duergar Despot, are intimidated, but instead of backing down, they see this as disrupting the work going on here and attack.

The Drudge Priests order the workers to attack the band, the band fight back.

Ekam calms the Priests and the Despot down, and the Band cut through, just as two Salamanders and two Magma Mephits arrive into the Lower Mine searching for the Band who attacked them on the tracks.

The area the Band ducked into they find a toolbox, and realise that it is singing, or at least the singing is coming from it.
Sister or Heironymo cast silence in the area, Hydrica beside Lemmog then casts Knock and the toolbox is open.
All but Lemmog lose there lunch as they can see an animated decapitated head, its mouth frantically moving, but no sound coming out.
Lemmog asked the head
" Blink if you want to come with us or stay in the box"
The head looks puzzled
Ekam then asks
" Blink if you want to come with us"
The Head Blinks
Lemmog pulls the head out by its hair, revealing it was on top of a sheet of paper with a symbol on it
The fourth chapter of the Bards’ Tale 
  • This chapter is about the only time Richmond’s heart was truly broken, the death of his first wife who was a human.
He tried to resurrect her from the dead, but the gods refused to allow an elder soul to live again.
Chapter 4 One Regret

Verse 1:
In the land of Richmond, where the bards all sing,
I'll tell you a tale of a broken king.
His heart was shattered, his soul torn apart,
When the gods denied his plea to restart.

Oh, the king's regret, in the moonlit night,
His first wife gone, out of his sight.
He tried to bring her back, but it was in vain,
The gods' decree brought only pain.

Verse 2:
She was a human, with a heart so true,
Her laughter like music, her eyes like the dew.
Their love was a flame, burning bright and strong,
But fate had a plan, and it all went wrong.

Oh, the king's regret, in the starlit sky,
As he raised his hands, and let out a cry.
To resurrect his love, from the depths below,
But the gods' decree, refused to bestow.

Verse 3:
He wandered the land, with a heavy heart,
The memories of her tearing him apart.
The taste of her kiss, the touch of her hand,
Gone forever from the king's own land.

Oh, the king's regret, in the dawn's first light,
As he faced the truth, of his endless night.
No elder soul could walk the earth again,
The king's heart broken, in a world of pain.

So remember this tale, of a king so bold,
Whose regret and sorrow, never did grow old.
For even in riches, and power untold,
There are some wounds, that never do fold.
The Band cut back through a narrow passage to try and sneak away, but Lemmog comes face to face with a salamander
Big Fight

Heironymo turns foe against foe

Ekam, gets into the action to help Lemmog

Hydrica gets blasted by fire and returns the favour

Lots of workers die

Head is crying a screaming

Lemmog is having way too much fun

A Magma Mephit goes down by Lemmogs hand, the other by Hydrica's hand

A Salamander goes down

Lemmog now truly having fun, tries to hit Heironymo, who turns turtle and disappears (but strangely there is now a crow sitting in mid air)

Ekam is wondering what the hell is going on, but blasts away at the salamander

The Duergar Despot dies

The drudge priests of Laduguer run off

Hydrica runs around to see what is occuring, and sees Lemmog finish off the final Salamander, then one of the workers and then charge him stopping a few feet short!

Hydrica Runs away from Lemmog, weaving around pillars and out of sight of Lemmog, but then exclaims what the hell is going on...

Lemmog has gone bezerk, and is attacking everything and anything he can either see or hear within 60 ft, which now also includes Hydrica and the rest of the band as Hydrica exclaimed
"what the hell is going on..."


Between the party a zone of silence and darkness is made so they can no longer be seen or heard.

Lemmog calms down and returns to normal, none the wiser that he tried to kill his own band

So they truly are following in the footsteps of The Kinks, Eagles, Oasis, The Who and Poison

Now things have calmed a moment, the head introduces its self, still crying

In an angelic, melodious and naive voice, the head states:

I am Odeon, and Eladrin

Please stop killing the workers, they are only following orders, and death here is final as this is the afterlife, there is no life after this.

When I arrived to rescue Korray, as she is a great leader and I wish them to return her to Arathill.

Hammertown’s drudge priests dragged me before Laduguer.

I asked to sing a song that would convince Laduguer to set Korray free.

Laduguer said he would hear my song, if I could traverse all Hammertown without using my voice.

When striding alone through the deepest mineshaft, I realized I was singing into the darkness to comfort myself, and Laduguer’s magic struck me down, dissolving my body into a slime. My head survived due to the magic of the Bards’ Tale, which was tucked inside my scarf.

I had hoped that hearing a piece like the Bards’ Tale would convince Laduager to release the archfey.
The gods need to remember the song of their love.

We can save Hammertown as well.

We can be heroes, just for one day

I have been working on an Epic that I believe will heal Laduguer's heart.

Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever
Then we could be heroes, just for one day

Odeon makes the band aware of the entrance to the tunnel that the band came through and is still light up with light billowing out, has been marked in oil paint by Odeon before my untimely passing. with the symbol of Chapter 4 of the Bard’s Tale
