The team arrive back to the warehouse battered and bruised, but before they all crash out for the night, well before most of them crash out for the night as Reece was snoring on the settee within 10 seconds of entering the Warehouse. Christian spots a glow coming from down the road...
Dot and Christian go out to investigate and stumble across No-Know who was hiding in the shadows of an abandoned building with a bin fire to keep him warm.
Dot vaguely recognised him as a Homeless man from Ibidan, she was sure she had seen him about the city a few times.
After some terse introductions Christian offers No-Know a warm bed for the night, but between Gregor, Dot and Christian they take it in turns to keep watch of this stranger in their midst's.
Reece wakes with a massive fart and fries up a large breakfast for all, before ranting on about who the hell this bum is in their gaff.
Christian via the nexus tries to keep everyone calm and not expose themselves.
Lynx recognises No-Know and they have a breif exchange about art and that No-Know has lost freinds and dry shelters to those blue drugs. At which Lynx blurts out.
"Don't worry about those Blue Drugs, we took out their production, we de...." where Lynx was suddenly pulled aside by Cristian to attend to other matters, any other matters, just not in here matters.
Cristian then calmed Chuck before he went into full breakdown about new people, secret etc..
Chuck then says to Christian that him, Lynx and Gregor visited that Father Thomas, as "ya know as well I have a dodgy feeling about him. Well it turns out a few of the kids he looks after have gone missing"
Christian ponders this and thinks he can also dump off this No-Know with the Father as he is bound to know some good shelters.
Christian, Dot, Reece and No-Know head of in the rust wagon to Father Thomas's Church.
Dot keeps No-Know distracted in the car with a packet of crisps.
Reece and Christian enter the Church and out of sight of No-Know don their masks.
Father Thomas welcomes Renegardo and Blowout
“I have tried everything, but the cops won't help out and no one else seems to care.” Says Father Thomas, with some frustration in his voice. “I have heard about you and your exploits and even witnessed you helping out this church against those Purple Monsters these last few weeks and thought if anyone can help it might be you.”Blowout assures the old priest that they will do what they can to help.
“Thank you and bless you,” Thomas offers as he pulls himself back together. “These kids around here, they have no one to look after them. Most are homeless or have a home they don't want to go to at night, and so they hang around here. I feed them and give them clothing when donations allow. Still, it's not much, but when you have nothing a little is a God send.”
With a deep breath he roams about the church and then out the back entrance with Blowout and Renegardo following.
Outside the back of the church the father priest leads on. “Normally they play with the other children in the park across the street.” He says as he points to the small rusted playground equipment sitting in the middle of a weed cluttered vacant lot. “'The Park,” the kids call it. I do not have the heart to tell them it's just a lot, used to be a liquor store until it burned down a few years ago. I got the play ground equipment for cheap from the school district as they were going to throw it away.”
Walking across the street, Blowout and Renegardo see a few dirty children climbing all over the rust and bare metal of the jungle gym. The Priest calls them over to talk.
“Children, these are super heros and they will help us find our lost friends,” He tells assures them.
The Children are afraid of both Renegardo and Blowout, especially their masks, but after some time and some unseen tenderness from Renegardo where he knelt down to the kids level and removed his mask so only they could see his real face not the Father, some trust was built.
It takes some time to get them to open up. Seems there is a story among the kids that a pirate buried his treasure in an old abandoned glass factory near by, but all the kids are afraid to go there. “Got ghosts and such in there,” One small kid says. “Juan though said he was not afraid and left the playground, his sister chasing after him. That's three days ago.”
Blowout does a "trick" for the kids by disintegrating and reappearing behind them, much to the kids joy and cheer, but this trick was seen also by No-Know who heads over to question what he saw.
When he saw the team being chased by a Chainsaw wielding mobster, you thought that these may be "good guys"
Seeking out the foundry, the team see nothing out of hand, but it's a big place, and has a lot of placed spots in which two little kids could get hurt or trapped in.
Reece then has an odd warm feeling flow over his body.
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