Spandex or Leather: Pin cushions and projectile vomiting

 So the team had ripped off Lefty and stole 300K from his warehouse.

Now down to the planning....

The team skipped work to Rest and heal, during this time they contacted Captain Franks and laid out the plan and if Captain Franks is going to send support before, during or after the sting.

Lynx and Chuck went off to "borrow" a car from one of the vacant houses.

Captain Franks made it clear that he will arrest them once they have the evidence that would put them away.

Lynx dropped into the hospital and took his time to become an exact replica of Albert Moxey down to his bump on his head and his personality.

Lynx was then wired up and then met the gang in the pub, where Dot phoned them to arrange a meet.

Dot called Dennis Patterson and arranged a meet using her powers to persuade him to meet at the old abandoned fun house, rather than the car park that Dennis wanted.

At the fun house, Renegardo flew high and kept overwatch from above and behind the gang.

The team (Dot, Christian and Chuck) arrive to see:

  • Albert Moxey (Lynx)
  • Auther Pringle
  • Barry Taylor
  • Brian Busbridge
  • Dennis Patterson

All outside the building, with several cars parked up.

After dot introduces Christian by another name (Sebastian) and Chuck (Joseph) as Sebastian's driver/bodyguard.

There was a bit of tense exchange, but Dot managed to smooth it over.

The exchange was all going fine, recorded by lynx (with audio), till... well not exactly sure now, but Christian signaled to Chuck

Chuck shrugged not fully understanding

Renegardo flew in and floored Auther Pringle

Dot tried to get Dennis and co to give up their weapons, only Brian complied who handed his to a confused Christian.

Thats when things went pete tong...

Masks were put on.

All hell broke loose

Bonedido pin cushioned Barry Taylor, popping his eye ball out of the back of his head and shish kebabbing his throat and heart, which resulted in Dot losing her breakfast, lunch and dinner in stunned shocked horror.

The team end up piling up the unconscious and dead coppers, with all the drugs and an edited video - funnily missing the fight and the masking up.

Reece steals Dennis's luxury SUV.

Chuck unloads the drugs from their own car and adds it around the pile of bodies corrupt cops.

Dot calls Captain Franks, who thanks them and is glad they did not kill anybody, and will go with a team to arrest them.

Captain Franks then goes on through tied sounding voice. “Been a hell of a month cleaning out all the trash in the department,” He offers, “You have done well,  you have made the city a better place.”

“We got one more to bring down. Maybe the worst of them all.” He tells Dot and says he will give her the details when she is in the office.

When Captain Franks hands dot the package of papers and crime scene photos.

“Lt. Muldoon, She was my wife, once,” Franks says as he walks off.

“Bring her down,“ He asks as he turns the corner and is gone.

Taking a look at the stuff in the packet the team find that Franks' ex-wife, Maribel Muldoon, is a lieutenant on the force, at one time a rising star. She specialized in deep cover operations. Problem is she got too deep and finally became what she was supposed to fight. Now she runs a drug operation within the department itself, fully in the pocket of the mob.
