Hitman - Target 2 - Erm well I spose that was a plan, maybe not the plan

So after a wasted day being stoned out of their nuts, the team pick up the pace 24hrs later.

Well when I say team, Ishomad and El Puncho were laid out in their hotels with the squits, so were no use to man nor beast.


Delia "Pippi short socks" Thorp kept eye on the facility and identified that 2 technicians are always upstairs, and always seems at least as if one is inside the server cage area.

Security seem to take a circuit of the building every 30 minutes, going up via the North stairs and down via the South stairs. When they do the circuit there are several blind spots that they are not tracked, and they do not seem to tap in, in each area.

The Original Plan

  1. Kidnap/Hijack/Kill one or more Security Guards to gain access to the company.
  2. Forge card to gain access to company.
  3. Force Technician(s) to give keys to cages.
  4. Insert pen drive into GPS server
  5. Complete job
  6. Home for tea and biscuits

The Plan

  1. Obtain ID from a security member as they leave to go home
  2. Change photo on ID
  3. Intercept at least 1 Security as they travel to their shift and take their place
  4. Change rota and send fake email with replacement person(s) on it
  5. Gain entry to the facility
  6. Delia to take van to corner of street for fast getaway if needed.
  7. Valentina to cover building from his room to take out people if necessary.
Things got sketchy on what happens then.....
  • Kill everyone, Kill noone, Sneak into cage, lots of variables
I think they call this dynamic planning!

The Execution of "the plan"

Tiera and Valentina jimmied up a possible semi effective single use silencers for their rifles, stuffing pillow fluff into a water bottle and fudging it to the barrel of their guns (this may not fully work, and may affect accuracy).

Cyrus worked out the route the three guards would be taking when they left work, to pick up their public transport.

Two were going off to pick up a tram towards their homes, one was going to the bus station to pick up a bus to home.

The team picked the bus.
Everyone was in place.
As Mr Lucas Van Zandt the guard heading to the bus stop, just as he boarded the bus. Cyrus used his kinetic abilities and fried Mr Van Zandt's phone.

Mr Van Zandt got on the bus and sat near the driver on the right.

The bump

Tiera gets onto the bus and expertly "bumps" into the Security Guard and steals his security pass lanyard.

With grace and speed in an instant the Lanyard is palmed off to Maria, who together with Tiera makes this pass-off look invisible to all, including the bus driver that was almost beside them.

Tiera and Maria, travel the bus for a few stops and then get off and return to the hotels before they are spotted.

Cyrus examines the pass.
There is a magnetic stripe in the back but also a Near Field Chip in the card.

The photo is blanked and overprinted with Cyrus' image.

Part 2 of the Plan

The idea of this part was to reduce the number of Guards in the facility, by replacing them before they arrive.

Cyrus again works out the routes the 3 guards should be arriving in from.
  • 2 via a tram
  • 1 via a bus from a different route, but stops near the same bus station.
Initially the team plot to force the tram off into the river when it crosses the bridge.

It was an elaborate plan with multiple redundancies, but key part was shooting out its tires.

It was only then that the team realised that a tram runs on rails, yep the plan was to shoot out a metal wheel to cause the tram to swerve off the bridge into the river.
  • Fatal flaw 1: Trams don't swerve, they are on rails, and this kinda stops them swerving
  • Fatal flaw 2: derailing it will more than likely cause it to stop, not swerve over the bridge
Luckily Delia piped up with this moments of inspiration and the plan was altered to take on the bus.

Lets try that again: Part 2 of the Plan

The team knew the route the bus was going to take, similar plan (as hey if it ain’t broke why break it).

Maria steps up to create a force barrier wedge to flip the bus over and into the river.
  • Maria is there waiting
  • Maria sees the bus
  • Maria concentrates to form the force barrier
  • Maria is hit by the bus!!
Two days in the Netherlands, hit by two vehicles!

But the team have redundancy plans.

Valentina Zima has the bus in her sights.

The Elite Assassin Valentina Zima takes aim on the buses wheel, to try and salvage the situation

The "takes her time to ensure the perfect shot" Valentina Zima pulls the trigger.

Gun jam

But the team knowing they are not having the best run with lady luck have a third redundancy.

Tiera takes the simpler shot and takes out the buses windshield.

The shot was near silent, the area she shot from is covered in fluff and some of it is smouldering.

The bus driver in panic of his windscreen suddenly shattering for no reason performs an emergency stop.

The Fall of Milan

Some of the passengers now leave the bus.

Mr Milan Hendricksen one of the Telfort Security guards was one of them.

His path to work from where the bus stopped would take him through a small park.

Maria still dazed from being twatted by the bus heads to the park.

She sneaks up behind him, and point blank shoots him up and under his right rib.

The bullet ricochets inside the guard’s rib cage.

Tiera is quick to the scene and quickly removes his Jacket and lanyard before it is soaked in blood.

They prop him by a tree and pour red wine over him and leave the bottle in his hand.

The bluff

Tiera tells Cyrus Mr Milan Hendricksen details from the card.

Cyrus fakes an email from Titan to Telfort informing them that Mr Milan Hendricksen is sick and a replacement will be sent from another office.

Tiera scratches out Mr Milan Hendricksen photo and name, puts on his Jacket and heads to the office.
Delia tells Tiera when the two guards have arrived and the three have left the building.

Tiera makes her move.

Swipes into the building.

Informs reception that she is the replacement for Mr Hendricksen, as he is unwell.

Somehow this deception has worked!

Not a word of Dutch was spoken, but the deception worked.

Kinda lucky that the Netherlands is multi-lingual.

Tiera is on shift....
Tiera is in the building....
The mission is again viable, but for how long......
