Hitman - Mission 6 - Cyrus Bell

The Team are in Estonia, having picked Cyrus Bell as there target of the available ones.

Target: Cyrus Bell

He has gone Rogue and failed to report back to the Guild.

Previous attempts of "contacting" him have failed and several agents have been lost.

What this has done though is flushed him out of his hiding spot.

Cyrus Bell is making a run for it from Amsterdam to San Antonio USA

Current Intel is he is heading to San Antonio USA via Frankfurt Airport.

If he is on the flight we think he is on then you have time to "meet" him on his flight, and if your really lucky you may even spot him in the departure lounge.

Send a Message.

Those that defect or fail the guild will be dealt with.

The messier the kill, the better – make sure they never forget what happens when a member of the Assassins Guild is on the case!

Remember: On a Plane – In a cramped space with hundreds of people makes killing much more difficult.

Airport Security also doesn’t like people carrying weapons onto a plane

Flight: Lufthansa Boeing 747 Flight LH 430
13:15 Frankfurt Airport FRA to O'Hare International Airport ORD
Travel time: 9 h 15 m

So how to get to Frankfurt Airport in-time to catch the flight and either intercept him in the airport or on the flight.

Lots of spit balling occurred,  from going in via
  • boat - too long
  • train - too long
  • drive - too long
  • flight to a different airport - main security gate to content with
the team decided that the guilds offer to charter a private plane for them from Estonia to Frankfurt Airport

Price including chartered flight 500 each for the kill.

The team tried to work out how they could get through security, considering most of the team are wanted and all have notoriety

Disguises were bought by all.

Documents were forged (to greater and lesser degree)

On the flight over, the team engaged a guild member who for 10% of the take provided the team with a list of seats on the flight where the background check on the person who booked the tickets was either incomplete or raised a flag.
  • Upper Deck Business Class
    • H81
    • H84
    • A88
  • Lower Deck Business Class compartment 1
    • H4
    • D5
    • H9
  • Lower Deck Business Class compartment 2
    • H10
    • A12
  • Lower Deck Economy Class compartment 1
    • E21
    • H29
    • B26
    • B32
    • E30
    • H33
  • Lower Deck Economy Class compartment 1
    • D35
    • K37
    • K41
    • A38
    • A45
    • J46
    • D49

Tickets were booked for the team under their forged names

  • Maira - H12
  • Delia - B21
  • Tiera - G48
  • El Puncho - F37

The team looked as getting the guild hacker to forge there way onto the flight as flight attendants but they could not agree on the % cut for the work so in the end told the hacker to fuck off.

With most of their equipment left on the chartered guild flight, Valentina stayed on the plane to look after the teams gear, aiming to meet up with them in the USA.

The chartered flight landed and taxied into C66

The Team disembark and head through the security control into the Airport lounge, with a slight squeeky bum time at Delia's rushed forged Passport.

The Team are in Frankfurt Airport

40 min till Flight LH 430 departure
Gate not open yet.

The Team manage to avoid the temptation of the many shops and duty free, well either that or El Punchos rumbling tummy and his desire to stuff as many lengths of meat down his throat played into this.

Flight LH 430 clicks up on screen as boarding at B36

The team head through another security barrier head into a restaurant and stuff hot dogs down their throats.

While busy munching down some meat lengths Delia and Tiera spot someone of the same build as Cyrus walk down the corridor that heads to B36

The try to stealthy follow the person, but make a right pink panther pigs ear of it, and the suspect increases his pace and ducks into a toilet.

The coming and goings of airport passengers disguise the suspects exit from the toilet, with only Delia being aware that he possibly left with a group of passengers and headed to the boarding gate.

Delia goes into the toilets and gets some strange looks (as a woman just entered the mens loos!), but this is strange times with XY, CiS and pengins so nothing escalated above strange looks.

Searching the stools, Delia finds a paper bag, with the remnants of a disguise and a mobile phone, pocketing the phone Delia leaves the toilet and joins the rest of the team as they start to board the plane.

The concertina walkway attached to the plane just in front of first class seats, so the passengers have to walk by Business Class into Economy Class, almost as if here is what you could have got.

Each Member of the Team started checking out different passengers as the passed through the plane, with Tiera checking the most as she was seated at the back of the plane.

21 suspects down to 15

Bugger too many to kill without being found out

Take off

As soon as the seat belt light goes off.
Tiera, Maira and Delia head to different toilets to cross check further passengers
El Puncho orders a whiskey and coke when he finds out there is no Tequila!

15 suspects down to 9

The seat beside El Puncho starts vibrating constantly,
bang bang
El Puncho looks over his shoulder and sees a child kicking the back of the seat next to him.

El Puncho "politely" asks the boy not to keep kicking the chair, when the kids father shouts in and start racially abusing El Puncho and threatening him for shouting at his kid.

El Puncho notices that the man has a coffee on the drinks tray, so slams his seat back at full force flipping the drink over into the mans lap.
The racist man gets off a cheap shot onto El Punchos exposed head twatting El Puncho in the noggin.

El Puncho grabs the mans hands, but just restrains him, allowing the man to scream racist abuse at him.

Maria spots one of the flight attendants talk to a passenger in business class.
The Passenger gets up and walks through the carriages to the one where El Puncho is hold the racist at bay while still reclining in his seat.

The Passenger proceeds to handcuff the racist to the chair and the Air Hostess escorts El Puncho to Business Class.
El Puncho just got an upgrade

The Flight has an Air Marshal!

9 suspects down to 8

Maria heads to the toilet AGAIN and takes a trip upstairs to the toilets in the upper business class deck.

8 suspects down to 5

Suddenly over all the teams comms beads Cyrus speaks out

"So close, but you will fail as others have, my old comrades I would hate to see you die, but you will if you pursue me"

Fuck Cyrus still had his security radio
Fuck we have been talking on the same band a Cyrus
Fuck Cyrus knows our plan!

At this point the mobile phone in Delias pocket explodes causing her to shreik in pain with a singed twat.

Tiera uses the inter seat text messaging to start sending pornographic and offensive messages to the remaining 5 suspects

2 passengers jump up outraged at the inappropriate messages sent by Tiera

5 suspects down to 3

Maria coming back from the Toilet, sees that El Puncho is sat on the opposite wing to one of the suspects, watching replays of El Dorado on the in flight TV.

Fucking liability!
At this point the suspect just to her left flinches and a wave of electromagentic power washes over the cabin.
Maria pulls up a Force barrier that absorbs most of the impact, but it was powerful and takes all her willpower not to succumb like the rest of cabin... including El Puncho who is now stunned!

At this Delia and Tiera start rapidly making there way up the plane, Delia is closer and arrives in time to see Cyrus sends out another pulse of electromagentic power, but it is not as powerful and both Maria and Delia although re hit by it are not stunned.
Maria spins into the seat behind Cyrus and flips her rosery Firewire around Cyrus's neck and yanks back on it with all her strength, crushing his windpipe and slowly killing him.

Target is dead.
But mission was for a messy kill!

Maria grabs a few of the blankets protects herself from splatter
with the Firewire pulls her knees up to the back of the seat and proceeds to saw off Cyrus' head!

Delia leaves Cyrus's head in his own lap - head giving head

The team return to their seat and feint ignorance of anything that happened.

The Guild as FBI took the team away for "questioning",

Regrouped with Valentina the team earned: 2000 minus the 10% for the info so 1800 total.
So depends on how the team divides the cash
450 each for the 4 participating team members
360 each for the full team of 5

On the Plane you meet a new to you Guild member.......
